After 10 years of teaching and helping around the office I wanted to share what I found to be the top 5 ways school administrators can relieve stress.
Everyday you are hit with a pile of work when you get to school – parents who want something, kids who want something, administrators who want something and teachers who want something. Then you’ve got the day to day work you need to do each day when you come in. How can you manage all of that? Here are a few tools that you can use today to reduce your stress levels and get more done.
Here are my top 5 ways school administrators can relieve stress:
Go digital as much as possible. When sending students with messages, notices, monies and other critical items, we are never sure if things will get to parents/teachers or get stuck at the bottom of a backpack. If you use an email, online form or otherwise, there is a much smaller chance it can get lost.
Use the pomodoro technique to get things done. Got a huge pile of things to do? Work at things for 25 minutes at a time, then take breaks. Need to answer the phone, or have an idea during that time? Write it down on a piece of paper or in a central/digital place so that you can address it later.
Use the Urgent/Important Matrix. When approached by someone to do something immediately, take a moment to decide if something is urgent and important or if it can be done later, or not at all. By using this to evaluate what you do, you will stop wasting time, and do what’s important. This way you can take power over your day, reduce reactivity and help you remain calm, cool and collected. To learn in depth about this approach read Stephen R. Covey’s book.
Take a moment before saying “yes” to something. As a school administrator, everything will get thrown at you. Before agreeing to do a short or long term task, make sure you have the time and skill do so, otherwise you risk disappointing yourself, getting overwhelmed and reducing your overall efficiency. If you say no, and suggest ways for the requestor to get it done in a different way, you will look good.
If it will take 2 minutes or less, don’t let it get to your to do list. The to do list of a school administrator can be endless and each item can add more stress. Reduce that stress by taking small, 2 minute tasks, and doing them on the spot. You will not lose your concentration on your broader task and you will grow more confident and feel a sense of accomplishment.
Another great resource for learning how to manage a crazy task list is the Getting Things Done method by David Allen which definitely influenced my top 5 ways school administrators can relieve stress.