How to stay school ready during summer holidays

How to stay school ready during summer holidays

In this blog post I address the topic of how to stay school ready during summer holidays and offer a few manageable tips parents can implement with their school age children.

It’s the ongoing question – How do we let our children enjoy their summer break while remaining mentally in gear for the pending school year?  Many parents worry that children are forgetting valuable math and literacy skills that they worked so hard to acquire during the school year.

Perhaps it’s not as daunting as many of us assume. Sure – summer school, tutors, summer homework and the like are one method of keeping students on track, but what can the rest of us do without having to compromise on the value of summer vacation with our families?

The following is a list of suggestions for parents wondering how to stay school ready during summer holidays:

1. Reading and Literacy. Stock up on interesting reading materials/activities for your child. This may include: children/teen magazines or zines, crossword puzzles, word games, board games, newspaper, novels and of course picture books for the little ones. These can be in print or online. Remember: reading materials are only enticing when they cover your child’s interests. Science and nature publications like National Geographic for kids are a great place to start. Is little Johnny obsessed with cars? Then purchase magazines with pictures and information all about transportation vehicles!  It doesn’t matter what topics books and games cover, the important thing is that they are actively engaged in things that promote literacy and problem solving skills.  

2. Involve your child in daily household management. Have them write the grocery list and check for items that need to be restocked. Discuss family budgeting in a transparent and open manner. If you use a spreadsheet for your monthly budget, encourage your school age child to input numbers and problem solve with negative amounts that need to be balanced. Talk to your kids! Communication is an important tool for promoting critical thinking skills. Discuss family plans for the day/week or happenings with your child’s friends. Get their input on decisions that affect their daily lives. Regardless of what chore you choose, encourage them to remain active members of the family versus passive summer break receivers.

3. Get a summer job. Too much time on their hands? A summer job, no matter how small, can help to keep your school age child feeling productive and responsible – not to mention learning valuable social and self management skills. Summer work also helps maintain your kid’s sense of routine – which leads me to the next point…

4. Keep a routine. With all the focus on math, science and literacy, we sometimes forget that positive daily habits are often just as important to academic and social/emotional success at school. Maintaining some sort of routine during the summer months can help minimize the transition back to full days at school in the fall. Even if your family is busy with spontaneous summer activities, some habits that can be kept up might include: family meal times, bed time routines, household chores and regular practice of musical instruments or sports.    

Whether your child is at summer camp, working or vacationing with the family, there are always ways to help them stay on track with maintaining some of the skills that schools and extra-curricular programs emphasize. I hope these tips were helpful and ask that you feel free share your ideas of how to stay school ready during summer holidays – the list is endless!


Kyla Landon BA, RECE

Kyla Landon holds a bachelor’s degree in early childhood studies and is a registered early childhood educator in Toronto, Ontario.